

The In-Service Training Programme

Program stručnog usavršavanj fokusirat će se na sveprisutnost internetskih okruženja za učenje koja uvelike privlače NEET skupinu. Predavanja koja će se odvijati „face to face“ usredotočena su na izgradnju kompetencija nastavnika kako bi mogli razvijati različite medijske projekte i kratke filmove surađujući s NEET skupinom. Također, naglasak je ovog programa na ključnim strategijama koje se mogu koristiti za bolji angažman spomenute skupine učenika. Program također osigurava korištenje mrežnih resursa za učenje. Edukatori za odrasle bit će prikladno osposobljeni za kombinirane modele učenja kako bi razumjeli prednosti internetskog učenja te bili potpuno svjesni rizika korištenja internetskog okruženja. Program stručnog usavršavanja NEET IDEA uvelike doprinosi razvoju inkluzivnosti marginaliziranih skupina u mnogim obrazovnim sredinama. 

A 4-hour induction to the NEET IDEA project

This 4-hour induction will give you insight into the NEET IDEA project. This introductory module will explore the pedagogic methodologies used within the project and discuss the benefit of using non-traditional methods of teaching with the target group. By completing the 4-hour induction, you will discover more about how the NEET IDEA project can outreach young adult NEET’s; alongside how they have been affected by socio-cultural factors. Upon completion, you will gain a deeper understanding of the target group’s needs before completing the audio-visual workshop.

21 hour F2F workshop (audio visual modules)

The 21-hour workshop will delve into the topics of film production, and how this topic can encourage NEET’s to engage with their own learning environments. The audio-visual curriculum is broken down into three modules that consist of:

  • Modul 1: Predprodukcija
  • Modul 2: Proizvodnja
  • Modul 3: Post-produkcija

The handbook provided will act as a resource that you will use in your workshop, but also that you can use when you apply this training with young adult NEET’s. It will act as a resource that will provide training in audio-visual digital media production and online environments. Moreover, it will allow you to be comfortable working with digital resources and devices so that you feel effectively trained to engage young people in blended learning models of intervention.

35 hours of SDL (addressing the pedagogic and theoretical elements of the curriculum)

In order to facilitate the building of skills featured in the NEET IDEA project, 37 hours of self-directed additional learning materials have been developed to address the andragogic and theoretical elements of the curriculum. These resources will allow you to delve deeper into the topics explored in the In-Service Training Programme, whilst enhancing your skill levels in these areas. 
